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The twenty-fifth of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Amanda at the Scera Shell to see Cinderella.

As we drove home after the play she said, "if a guy I had only known for one night tried to kiss me, I'd slap him." There's so much to say about Mandy. She's bursting with the most hilarious and lovely personality. She really cracks me up. She's blunt and goofy and mature and kind.

See the rest of the series here.


Great Clips Lighting
The twenty-fourth of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Nic posing for me while we wait for Alex to get his haircut..

My brothers generally refuse to let me take their photo, but Nic is always obliging.

See the rest of the series here.


The twenty-third of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Christina outside of Aunt Joyce's just after sunset.

Christina and I are both in-between cousins. We're a little older and a little younger than our other extended family members. We are the cousins who simultaneously inhabit the role of babysitter and babysat. And now she is also at an in-between age. Not quite a teenager but no longer a kid.


The twenty-second of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Andrew making very classically Andrew faces after his graduation ceremony.

What can I say about this punk brother? I love him and I'm sure glad he was able to pull this off. We all know it was a close one.


The twenty-first of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Trev and Port at the aquarium. Look at Porter holding on to his finger in the first photo, so sweet.

These aren't the best photos I've ever taken. The light in the aquarium was dim and green. I chose these because they remind me of a time when I was small and Trevor (always our smart and scientific cousin) would take me out into the desert while our family camped to teach me to catch lizards. 