Welcome to my office.
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My first article for the UVU Review was published on September 2nd, 2011. During that semester I only wrote two articles, but during the next I began submitting my photos. By summer of 2012 I was a full-fledged photo editor, covering requests from the life and news sections. My requests ranged from important speakers on campus to photos of green jello in the shape of the state of Utah. In August, the editor of The V Magazine (the Review's arts and entertainment section), asked me if I'd become his assistant on a new project: the rebranding of The V.
We spent August writing, building, and brainstorming on rooftops. On September 4th, 2012 HEX Magazine was born. The magazine's first semester was a rush of opposition, approval, and hard-work. By December we had printed 10 beautiful issues.
In January I took over as editor.
I'm fortunate to work with my best friend Connor as my assistant editor, and the brilliant Brette as our designer. It's a hard job. We work all week creating ideas and requests, contacting contributors (and sometimes begging them to write), writing and researching articles, and of course, editing. Connor and I are also our own photo editors and I'm in charge of the social networks.
In the end, the work is worth it, because every week we get to hold a little piece of those hours in our hands when we pick up Monday's paper.
If you'd like to check out HEX for yourself (or submit your own work) you can find us on:
or our blog.