"Photographer Momma"
The sixth of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.
Leaning over me to take a perfectly symmetrical photo of an orchard on a photo/exploration adventure in Goshen yesterday.
Her luxurious Nikon pushed to the side for a moment in favor of her little iPhone.
Her luxurious Nikon pushed to the side for a moment in favor of her little iPhone.
I am the daughter of two photographers. Taking and sharing photos is one of my mother's greatest loves. She's known for photographing all of the local school plays, ward families, mountain mornings, and lake-side sunsets. She breaks into abandoned buildings, climbs over fences, hikes muddy mountains, and lays on the floor of the Salt Lake Salt Palace for her shots. He has almost 20x the Instagram followers that I do and has made many friends in the local "Insta-community."
She's amazing and talented and more passionate and adventurous than anyone I know.
She's amazing and talented and more passionate and adventurous than anyone I know.