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Little Man (/Major Hunk)
The thirteenth of 52 portraits of my family in 2014.

Porter Clyde in his grandma's sunroom. 

Thus far 2014 has been a rough year, and March was an especially hard month for me. I have relied heavily on my family for companionship and comfort. Oftentimes that peace and love comes from my extended family. Every week I look forward to driving down to my Aunt and Uncle's house in Orem (the site of this photo) to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my sweet baby cousins. This week I've had extra time with my family and extra time holding this little guy. He's the youngest in our family, but he looks so old in this photo. In it I can start to see the little boy (and the teenager [!]) that he'll be someday. Thankfully, this week he is just starting to say my name, an exclamation that strikes my heart every single time he speaks it. He can be so serious and inquisitive, but when he's excited he smiles the biggest sweetest grin and shrieks with joy, sometimes even balling his fists with uncontainable glee. This week he has let me hold and kiss and snuggle him more than ever, perhaps wisely observing how much I needed his tiny hugs and little hand in mine. He re-focuses my attention on the eternal and reminds me of how wonderful it will be to someday raise my own children.

See the rest of the 52 series by clicking here.